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Acupuncture Today – March, 2015, Vol. 16, Issue 03

It's Time to Create a Strong Acupuncture Footprint

By Marilyn Allen, Editor-at-Large

Footprints in the sand. Footprints in the snow. Where do these footprints go? Some are big, some are small, but footprints are made by all.

Thinking about these footprints caused me to ask myself, "Where are my footprints taking me and what about the footprint of the acupuncture profession in the United States.

Footprints lead to activities. Have you ever thought to stop and ask yourself, "Am I happy with my footprint and where it is leading me?" If you want to improve or change your footprint, you must first change your head print.

Walt Disney, whose footprint stretches across the world and is still a global icon said, "Thoughts lead to feelings, feelings lead to actions (footprints) and actions (footprints) lead to results."

The question then begins to form for those of us in the acupuncture profession. What kind of results do we want personally? What kind of results do we want for the profession? And ultimately, what kind of results do we want to see for this medicine?

If you have been reading Acupuncture Today, you will see information about other states and countries and the footprint they are trying to make in their sections of the world.

Your Footprint

Each state in this country is endeavoring to create their own footprint. Some are fighting the dry needling issue, some are trying for Essential Health Benefits, and some are looking for licensure or to gain membership in the professional organization. What are you doing to help with these issues?

footprints - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark I recently learned that the original Mary Poppins movie was filmed in 1965. It has become a popular icon enduring for 50 years this year. In one famous scene, Mary Poppins said, "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun."

The more you read that little saying the more you realize it is true. Our job is to find and enjoy the element of fun. The Federal Congress has voted and the federal budget is in place. We know that the International Classification of Disease Codes tenth revision will be implemented in October.

In 2016, just nine months away, Essential Health Benefits will be open again. This presents another opportunity for acupuncture services to be included in the health care plan in individual states. Getting acupuncture services included in EHB means that all insurance companies will pay some amount of money for care for your patients and future patients.

Recently, I received an email from the Florida Association. They were asking for acupuncturists in Miami to contact their state representatives. The professional lobbyist would help each person. This means that together there is more than one person creating footprints.

Sometimes I hear it said, "But I am only one person. One person together with one other person creates the energy of four people. This formula increases as the number of people join together to create and work for a project or cause.

Where did your footprints take you today? Social media consumes much of our time. Whether we are writing or just reading emails, Facebook pages or Twitter, the time just seems to vanish. Then I wonder where my footprints went during that time? Did I help someone else? Did I help myself? Did I help my patients? Did I help my profession? Did I help my state association? Did I help the reputation of the acupuncture profession or did I just use up precious time?

The older I get, the more I realize that time can never be reclaimed or lived again. It is a commodity that vanishes like the footprints in the sand as the waves of the ocean wash over them.

Call to Action

We have time now to create a bigger, stronger and more aggressive footprint for acupuncture and Asian medicine. We need you to join with others in creating a larger and stronger footprint for this profession both in the United States and around the world.

How do we enlarge out footprint? Your ideas and help are just as important as another person. What have you done today to share the message of acupuncture with one other person? How many business cards did you pass out today? Have you invited another acupuncturist to join your state association? Have you contacted your state legislator? Do you know the name of your Federal representative? What is the number one issue facing the acupuncturists in your state? Did you treat a new patient today? Did you do something today to create a healthier you so you can help with professional issues? Did you remember to have an attitude of gratitude for knowing about the wonderful healing properties of Asian medicine and how it helps you, your family and your patients every day?

What can one person (YOU) do today to help make the acupuncture footprint bigger, better and stronger today and tomorrow?

Send your ideas to me at with the word "Footprint" in the subject line. Let's do this together.

Click here for more information about Marilyn Allen, Editor-at-Large.

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